If, despite your best efforts, you find yourself having unwanted feelings or states, or having negative events repeatedly happening in your life, there may be underlying forces in you that are undetected or not resolving.
We have found that the source of these deeper and often undetected forces in our lives is much of the time ancestral. Some forces can also have been passed onto you from your past lives, or projected into you by the people around you.
Although there are many methods out there that will momentarily help alleviate your unwanted symptoms, your permanent freedom requires that these forces be found, understood and cleared. This is what a ReUnion session does.
A ReUnion session helps you discover, clearly understand and then lift away the forces behind your unwanted conditions and circumstances, once and for all.
If you are having material problems, difficulties in relationships, unwanted feelings rising up in you, or if you feel blocked, exhausted or unable to succeed, then there’s a good possibility that the ReUnion Process can finally free your from these problems - as many have testified during the last fifteen years that I have been offering this to the public.
So I welcome you to give a ReUnion session a try. It’s non-invasive, fun to experience, and does not require you to adopt any new beliefs. 
ReUnion sessions can be done with me in person, or they can be done at a distance if that is more convenient for you.
IN PERSON ReUNION SESSIONS with Peter Scupham in Atlanta are available Monday through Friday at 10am, 11:30am, 1pm, 2:30pm, 4pm and 5:30pm. FOR ReUNION SESSIONS TO BE DONE AT A DISTANCE - contact Peter at peterscupham@comcast.net for further information, or call 770.668-0969.
Cost per session is $110.